Brief Introduction about Anet V1.7 Mainboard for A8 or A8 Plus 3D Printer


The Anet V1.7 mainboard is the latest mainboard version for A8 or A8 Plus 3D printer. Comparing to old versions, the V1.0 and the V1.5 mainboard, it has improved a lot in designs and performance.


Let’s first check out its wiring diagram to avoid any mistake if wants to reconnect the mainboard.


I - V1.7 Mainboard Diagram

 V1.7 Mainboard for Anet A8 Plus 3D Printer

II - Wiring Tag Table

  V1.7 Mainboard Wiring Table for A8 or A8 Plus 3D Printer

III – Enhancement on V1.7 Mainboard


There are several remarkable enhancements on Anet V1.7 mainboard comparing to the previous V1.0 and V1.5 mainboards for Anet A8 or A8 Plus 3D printer.


  1. V1.7 mainboard is compatible with both 12V and 24V DC power input while the previous versions only adapts 12V power input.
  2. V1.7 mainboard has introduced in many protection methods including the thermal runaway protection.
  3. V1.7 mainboard applies protective tube for high power heating bed.
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