How to Solve A8 or A8 Plus 3D Printer Hotbed Heating Issue

When using Anet A8 or A8 Plus 3D printer, sometimes the hotbed doesn’t heat up. Why is this happening and how can we solve it? Let’s go through below paragraphs and learn about Anet A8 series 3D printer hotbed heating procedures.


Mainboard for Anet A8 or A8 Plus 3D Printer
D7 Indicator on Anet A8 or A8 Plus 3D printer mainboard

Anet A8 or A8 Plus 3D printer connects its hotbed to the mainboard through the BED tagged screws as below picture shows. And near it, we can see a D7 indicator. This indicator is also known as hotbed indicator.


Generally, if the D7 indicator lights up, the mainboard starts to heat up the hotbed.


  1. Click on “Preheat” and select hotbed option on the control panel, and if the D7 indicator lights up, it means the mainboard works well; if not, replace the mainboard with a new one.
  2. If the D7 indicator lights up normally but the hotbed don’t heat up, and then check if any of the hotbed wiring is loose connected and reconnect them accordingly.
  3. After reconnecting all hotbed wirings but the hotbed still doesn’t heat up, then the hotbed is not good; replace it with a new one.


That’s all the procedures to check out and solve the hotbed heating issues for Anet A8 or A8 Plus 3D printer; also these methods work for the A2, A12 and A16 3D printer.

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